Lemon Water


Since I started drinking lemon water first thing in the morning my skin has never looked brighter and more radiant. First thing in the morning before my coffee, I use one mini lemon, cut in half and squeeze into 2 ounces of water and take it as a shot (I feel like its more potent this way). It not only supercharges my metabolism, but also provides a cleansing & energizing way to start my day. I feel the lemon water trickling through my body and imagine it wiping my slate clean, that way each day physically and mentally is a clean slate to try again. Some of the health benefits are that it brightens your skin, is a natural anti-bacterial, minimizes stress and anxiety, helps with weight loss, improves immune function, vitamin b6 helps convert food to energy, reduces risks of many types of cancer. Overall I find it keeps my mind and body moving and cells are energized and cleaned.